Collection of Outstanding Debts

It is not fair that you supply goods or services to a customer to not have your account paid by the due dates pursuant to your terms and conditions.

We will assess your specific circumstances, terms and conditions of trade, the customer(s) in question and the industry to provide you with all the options available to you so that you can make an informed decision about the solutions that are best for you.

There are options available and there is a solution available for you. We will explain the advantages, disadvantages, risks and the real costs to you with each of the options.

You will receive a professional and timely service on a confidential basis.

Our Services Include:

We will tailor our services to your specific circumstances, which may include:

  • Review of the industry in which you operate to identify collection method specific to that industry and the general payment terms.
  • An assessment and investigation into the customer(s) to assist in determining the reasons for the delay in payment. Such inquiries are conducted in a discrete manner.
  • Participate in communications directly with the customer(s) in accordance with your instructions.
  • Assist with negotiations with the customer. The outcome of the negotiation process may lead to a lump sum payment, instalment plan or amendment to the trading terms.
  • Advice on the implications of any settlement negotiations should the customer be placed into bankruptcy or liquidation.
  • Review of your trading terms and conditions, along with suggested improvements.
  • Report to you on the alternatives available to collect the outstanding debts. The report will address the advantages, disadvantages, risks and the costs to you with each of the options.
  • If you are pursuing recovery proceedings against a creditor, we are able to conduct a conflict check and if no issues arise we will provide you with a consent to act as:

We are not debt collectors however should such recovery services be required by you we can offer services that will be very useful to your debt collection and legal team.